
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Ogbuokiri B, Ahmadi A, Bragazzi NL, Movahedi Nia Z, Mellado B, Wu J, Orbinski J, Asgary A and Kong J (2022) Public sentiments toward COVID-19 vaccines in South African cities: An analysis of Twitter posts. Front. Public Health 10:987376. [Link].

  2. C.N.Udanor, N.I.Ossai, E.O.Nweke, B.O.Ogbuokiri, A.H.Eneh, C.H.Ugwuishiwu, S.O.Aneke, A.O.Ezuwgu, P.O.Ugwoke, and Arua Christiana (2022). An internet of things labelled dataset for aquaponics fish pond water quality monitoring system. Data in Brief, Volume 43, August 2022, 108400. [Link]. Elsevier.

  3. Aruleba RT, Adekiya TA, Ayawei N, Obaido G, Aruleba K, Mienye ID, Aruleba I, Ogbuokiri B. COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Review of Rapid Antigen, RT-PCR and Artificial Intelligence Methods. Bioengineering. 2022; 9(4):153. [Link].

  4. Ogbuokiri, B., Bragazzi N, Nia Z, Mellado B, Wu J, Orbinski J, Asgary A, and Kong J (2022). On Public Sentiments Towards COVID–19 Vaccines in South African Cities: An Analysis of Twitter Posts. JMIR Preprints. 02/02/2022:36796. [Link]

  5. Ogbuokiri, B. and Raborife, M. (2021). Generating Similar Images Using Bag Context Shape Grammars. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 48 (4), 2021, [Link].

  6. Aruleba, K., Obaido, G., Ogbuokiri, B., Fadaka, A. O., Klein, A., Adekiya, T. A., & Aruleba, R. T. (2020). Applications of Computational Methods in Biomedical Breast Cancer Imaging Diagnostics: A Review. Journal of Imaging, Volume 6 number 10, version 105. [Link]

  7. Ogbuokiri, B. and Raborife, M. (2019). Bag Context Shape Grammar Interpreter: From Theory to Usable Software. Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 17(3), 2020, 458-474. Taylor and Francis. [Link]

  8. Udanor, C., Aneke, S., Ogbuokiri, B. (2016) Determining social media impact on the politics of developing countries using social network analytics, Program Electronic Library and Information Systems, Volume 50: Issue 4, 2016. [Link]

  9. Ogbuokiri, B.O.(MSc.), Udanor C.N. (PhD), Agu, M.N. (PhD), (2015) Implementing big data analytics for small and medium enterprise (SME) regional growth, (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 6, Ver. IV (Nov – Dec. 2015), PP35-43), DOI: 10.9790/0661-17643543.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Mgboh U., Ogbuokiri B., Obaido G., and Aruleba K. (2021) Visual Data Mining: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Datasets. In: Abraham A., Piuri V., Gandhi N., Siarry P., Kaklauskas A., Madureira A. (eds) Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. ISDA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1351. Springer, Cham.[Link]

  2. C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai, B.O. Ogbuokiri, O.E. Nweke, P.O. Ugwoke, and U.K. Ome. (2021, August 3-5) A Pilot Implementation of a Remote IoT Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition Presented at the International Conference on Innovative Systems for Digital Economy (ISDE’2021), Uyo Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

  3. Ogbuokiri, B. and Raborife, M. (2020). The Similarity of Images Generated By Bag Context Shape Grammars. Presented at the 30th Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and Mechatronics International Conference (PRASA-RobMech 2020), 29–31 January, Cape Town, South Africa, IEEE Xplore. [Link]

  4. Ogbuokiri, B. and Raborife, M. (2019). Visual Password Scheme Using Bag Context Shape Grammars. Presented at the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2019), 3–5 December, Online, Springer Verleg. [Link]

  5. Ogbuokiri, B. (2018) Graphical Passwords using bag context shape grammars, Presented at the 9th Cross Faculty Postgraduate Symposium of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 29 – 30 October, SA.

  6. Ogbuokiri, B. (2016) Visual Password Scheme using bag context shape grammars, Proceedings of the M & D Symposium of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologies SAICIST, 26 – 28 SEPTEMBER, University of Johannesburg, SA, [Link]

  7. C.N. Udanor, F.I. Akaneme, Okezie, C.E.A., Ogwo, B., Aneke, S., Ogbuokiri, B.O., Ezugwu. A.O., Ugwuishiwu, C.H. (2015), Deployment of an e-Infrastructure for Academic Research, Presented at the 7th EAI International Conference on e–Infrastructure and e–Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2015), Nov. 15 – Nov 16, 2015. Cotonou, Benin Republic. [Link]

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